Friday, December 18, 2009
December Newsletter - Parent Involvement, Report on Achievement
If you read this blog you may already know the goings on in Saanich, but in case you haven't seen it, my December Newsletter is posted. Our November 25th Parent Involvement Evening is described there, and I can tell you that we had a great evening of dialogue around the topic: Child-Centred, Productive Conversations in the Education Community. Much of the talk focused on how to have difficult conversations based on having already created trusting relationships, particularly between parents and administrators. Also mentioned in the newsletter is the annual Superintendent's Report on Achievement that will be received by the Board on January 13th and posted to the district website shortly thereafter. On an unrelated but important matter, if you are needing information about potential snow closure days, you will see on our main web page links to the information sent home to parents early in the school year.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
October Newsletter - From Vision to H1N1 and More
Here we are at the end of October, with the first two months of school having been a blur of positive energy and hard work by so many in service to children and families. Sorry to be so long between posts, but I am pleased to provide you with access to my October newsletter (via this link). In the newsletter you will see an update on plans to clarify district innovations in support of our Board's declared vision of success for all learners. You will also find news on H1N1, our Olympic spirit and our class organization reporting. Please have a look and feel free to post comments here. The more dialogue the better.
Friday, September 4, 2009
September Newsletter - Back to School, Budget, H1N1 and More
We are back in session as of September 8th, and as we welcome students and families we remember how proud we are to be part of a public education system that has so many successes to celebrate. We are also deliberate and strategic about how we face our challenges, some of which are captured in my September newsletter. Although the provincial budget protected the core operating grants for school districts, other cuts will have real impacts on our day to day operations this year, including the loss of the annual facilities grant. You can read about the loss of the AFG and more by checking the BCSTA (school trustees) website. You will also see in the September newsletter, as well as on our district website, updates on how we are preparing for any possibility of H1N1 influenza. As usual, feel free to post comments here. I am interested to know what is on your mind.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Excited to be Back
Welcome to September everyone. I will post a newsletter in the coming days with updates on everything from our enrolment (higher than expected) to the budget (lower than expected) and H1N1 (we're ready, but hoping it will be less than expected).
In the meantime, please know that we are excited and optimistic about the year. Please comment here if there is anything that you would like to know as we enter the 09/10 year, or if there is just anything you'd like to air.
Looking forward,
In the meantime, please know that we are excited and optimistic about the year. Please comment here if there is anything that you would like to know as we enter the 09/10 year, or if there is just anything you'd like to air.
Looking forward,
Monday, July 13, 2009
Into the Summer
Thank you, everyone, for another great year in Saanich. 2008/09 brought many successes, some of which I have noted in my June newsletter, not the least of which was the way we came together as a community to deal with our budget challenge for 2009/10. Even with the reductions, we are looking forward to another great year for public education in Saanich and across the province as a whole.
We are also interested to see the emergence, at least informally, of a province-wide dialogue about funding. People are wondering about funding levels, the mandate for public education (does it match the funding?) and the potential for some efficiencies to be found system-wide. I look forward to hearing more about that as we move into the fall. Meanwhile, I wish all of you the best possible summer and a great start to the new school year.
We are also interested to see the emergence, at least informally, of a province-wide dialogue about funding. People are wondering about funding levels, the mandate for public education (does it match the funding?) and the potential for some efficiencies to be found system-wide. I look forward to hearing more about that as we move into the fall. Meanwhile, I wish all of you the best possible summer and a great start to the new school year.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
So Much to Celebrate
As we head into grad season I just want to comment how proud I am to be an educator in the Saanich School District. Our graduation ceremonies that are held every June serve as reminders of the many successes that our students have had during their years in school. We are also reminded of the bright futures that lie ahead for our grads and, thankfully, for society as these fine young people move off into the world. Public education is thriving in the 21st Century and much of that credit goes to the families who continue to be positively involved in their schools and to the teachers, support staff and administrators who go beyond the call of duty every day to make children's experiences rich and relevant. Thanks to you all, and best wishes to our grads. For those who are not yet done, even if you are of an age where you feel that you should be, stay true to your plans and allow us to keep working with you in whatever way best suits your life circumstance. It is worth the effort, and so are you.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Budget Passed in SD 63 Saanich
The Board of Education passed its 2009/10 budget at its public meeting of May 6, 2009. It incorporates $3.6 million of reductions, some of which was managed through enhancing revenue from distance and international education, but the large majority of which came from actual cuts. You can check the details by going to our website, or go directly to the complete list of reductions here, and the Board's media release here.
One thing to make clear is that Saanich remains a first-rate school district within a first-rate public education system . At the same time, we have to realize that we are $3.6 million short of being able to do next year what we are doing this year. Credit goes to the Board of Education for keeping those reductions as far from the classroom as possible, but we will certainly need to call on the considerable good will that exists among our employees, parents, students and community partners to minimize the impact of these significant reductions.
One thing to make clear is that Saanich remains a first-rate school district within a first-rate public education system . At the same time, we have to realize that we are $3.6 million short of being able to do next year what we are doing this year. Credit goes to the Board of Education for keeping those reductions as far from the classroom as possible, but we will certainly need to call on the considerable good will that exists among our employees, parents, students and community partners to minimize the impact of these significant reductions.
April/May Newsletter - Memorials, Successes, Budget and Early Learning
If you are interested in having a look at my April/May newsletter, click here. I have listed a number of district successes ranging from our 700 grade six students cleaning up the beaches on Earth Day to Lochside Elementary School hosting a showcase event to celebrate their very successful Scientists in Residence program held through April. You will also see in the newsletter tributes to Marika Townshend and Doug Carswell as well as an overview of the Board's budget deliberation. Early learning is also featured, with reference to the BC School Superintendents Association spring forum that featured brilliant insights from people such as Stuart Shanker, and that brought school and early learning partners together from across the province. Click here for a link to the BCSSA website to see more.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Remembering Marika

As many of you who read this blog will know, we lost a very special person on April 23, 2009. Trustee Marika Townshend, who had served on the Board of Education in Saanich since 1999, was taken by cancer, but her spirit will carry on in all of us for years to come. Marika cared deeply about public education, and extended her Trustee work by serving in many other official capacities (Vancouver Island School Trustees Association, Vancouver Island Labour Relations Council, BC Public School Employers Association, and more). She served the community of North Saanich and the citizens of the entire Saanich School District with passion and commitment, including right up to our last Board meeting on April 8. Marika knew, was known by, loved, and was loved by innumerable people, and we will miss everything about her. Please feel free to post a comment here so that we can together remember this special person.
Monday, March 30, 2009
March Newsletter . . . and more about the budget
I have posted my March newsletter on the School District 63 website. You can access the March newsletter directly by clicking here. In addition to some bouquets for the wonderful coaches, managers and volunteers who support our extracurricular programs I have offered some advice for people in regard to online social networking as well as an overview of how we use our six designated non-instructional (professional development and planning) days in Saanich.
Of greatest urgency, however, is a reminder of processes that the Board of Education has put in place for finalizing our 2009/10 budget. The post below provides more information, including links to the information that we have posted on our website. As you may know, this is a particularly challenging year; we have some very difficult work to do in order to reduce expenditures by 5% and maintain the high quality of programs and services that characterize Saanich. I would urge you, if you are a member of the Saanich learning community, to read further below, then do what you can to contribute to the discussions in person or online.
Of greatest urgency, however, is a reminder of processes that the Board of Education has put in place for finalizing our 2009/10 budget. The post below provides more information, including links to the information that we have posted on our website. As you may know, this is a particularly challenging year; we have some very difficult work to do in order to reduce expenditures by 5% and maintain the high quality of programs and services that characterize Saanich. I would urge you, if you are a member of the Saanich learning community, to read further below, then do what you can to contribute to the discussions in person or online.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Budget Reduction Options Up for Commentary
We now have our budget information for 2009/10 and have confirmed our need to reduce the school district budget by $3.6 million next year. Before talking about those necessary and dramatic cuts (see next paragraph), I must say that I appreciate that government came through on its commitment to fund education at the level promised one year ago. During these tought times it was gratifying to see that the education ministry did not see reductions. That said, we remain concerned on two levels. One is that the allocation system seems not to reflect the true needs in districts. The money that is sent may need to be divided up differently. The other is that the relative increase in funding (same money, fewer students) is not keeping up with the real cost of providing educational services. Thus the need to cut. This was rather well captured in the Times Colonists editorial of March 17, 2009. We hope to see a review of the funding model in the coming year and would, of course, be happy to participate.
However, even as we press for provincial dialogue on education funding, we have work to do. Our immediate task is to prepare a balanced budget in May, and we can only do that by cutting $3.6 million worth of programs and services. Make no mistake. This will be a difficult and painful exercise. We have published our list of budget reduction options, along with implications, and are looking for feedback, either through the processes described on our website or directly to, or via responding to this posting. We need all the help we can get. You will see some serious reduction options including eliminating a number of education assistant jobs, reducing by 10 enrolling teachers (after reducing by 6.5 for enrolment decline), reducing the school calendar, closing one of our individual learning centres, and more.
Please contribute to the budget dialogue. After reducing steadily for 12 years, we have hit a cliff unlike any we have encountered before. Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement.
However, even as we press for provincial dialogue on education funding, we have work to do. Our immediate task is to prepare a balanced budget in May, and we can only do that by cutting $3.6 million worth of programs and services. Make no mistake. This will be a difficult and painful exercise. We have published our list of budget reduction options, along with implications, and are looking for feedback, either through the processes described on our website or directly to, or via responding to this posting. We need all the help we can get. You will see some serious reduction options including eliminating a number of education assistant jobs, reducing by 10 enrolling teachers (after reducing by 6.5 for enrolment decline), reducing the school calendar, closing one of our individual learning centres, and more.
Please contribute to the budget dialogue. After reducing steadily for 12 years, we have hit a cliff unlike any we have encountered before. Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
February Newsletter - It's Budget Time
My February newsletter is up on our district website. If you wish to bypass the main page you can go straight to the newsletter by clicking here. Topics include assessment, planning and the use of upcoming non-instructional days, but the most pressing topic in the newsletter, as it is across our entire district right now, is budget.
As you will see in the newsletter, and by accessing the budget information on our district website, we have a serious challenge in moving toward 2009/10. For a variety of reasons, including funding not keeping up with costs, and enrolment decline resulting in more money being taken out of the budget than can be saved through cost reductions, we have a $3.6 million shortfall looming. That represents about 5% of our overall budget and with resources directed primarily to classrooms we are concerned about the impact that this type of reduction will have.
I encourage any of you in the communities served by our school district to engage in the processes described in the budget planning documents available via our website or on request from the office of the Secretary Treasurer.
Of course, your thoughts are welcome here as well.
As you will see in the newsletter, and by accessing the budget information on our district website, we have a serious challenge in moving toward 2009/10. For a variety of reasons, including funding not keeping up with costs, and enrolment decline resulting in more money being taken out of the budget than can be saved through cost reductions, we have a $3.6 million shortfall looming. That represents about 5% of our overall budget and with resources directed primarily to classrooms we are concerned about the impact that this type of reduction will have.
I encourage any of you in the communities served by our school district to engage in the processes described in the budget planning documents available via our website or on request from the office of the Secretary Treasurer.
Of course, your thoughts are welcome here as well.
Monday, January 26, 2009
January 2009 Newsletter - Focus on FSA
My January newsletter is up on our district website at
Included is an overview of where we are with the Foundation Skills Assessment for 2009. FSA is currently the subject of controversy in that teachers have voted to not prepare for, administer or mark the FSA in 2009. Part of the challenge, aside from people's beliefs about assessment in general and the FSA in particular, is that Boards of Education, as employers, are needing to deal with this as an employment issue. Each Board, as an employer, is having to decide how to deal with teachers standing down from what is their normal work. But whether this is job action or political action, someone has to administer the FSA and in most districts while the "work requirement" issue is being worked out contingency plans are being made to have FSA overseen by principals and vice-principals if necessary, supported as possible by each Board.
The FSA is currently the only province-wide measure of student performance in relation to the BC Performance Standards for reading, writing and numeracy. While there are legitimate concerns about how much emphasis is put on a one-time snapshot assessment and how the scores are used (inappropriately and harmfully) by external agencies to rank schools, there is also a legitimate concern framed by some as "if not FSA, then what?" What is needed is a province-wide dialogue about high quality, consistent, standards-based assessment that works for students, teachers, parents and the system. We need a standards-based way to understand student learning and to plan for school or system level improvement.
In the end, we may find that FSA is still the best instrument, and that having every student do the assessment every year makes sense. We may find something better, perhaps through a different way of administering that same FSA. Meanwhile, this is a mandatory assessment and one that we will be sure is administered in Saanich as is the case in other districts. Then . . . on to that high level dialogue. I am interested in your thoughts.
Included is an overview of where we are with the Foundation Skills Assessment for 2009. FSA is currently the subject of controversy in that teachers have voted to not prepare for, administer or mark the FSA in 2009. Part of the challenge, aside from people's beliefs about assessment in general and the FSA in particular, is that Boards of Education, as employers, are needing to deal with this as an employment issue. Each Board, as an employer, is having to decide how to deal with teachers standing down from what is their normal work. But whether this is job action or political action, someone has to administer the FSA and in most districts while the "work requirement" issue is being worked out contingency plans are being made to have FSA overseen by principals and vice-principals if necessary, supported as possible by each Board.
The FSA is currently the only province-wide measure of student performance in relation to the BC Performance Standards for reading, writing and numeracy. While there are legitimate concerns about how much emphasis is put on a one-time snapshot assessment and how the scores are used (inappropriately and harmfully) by external agencies to rank schools, there is also a legitimate concern framed by some as "if not FSA, then what?" What is needed is a province-wide dialogue about high quality, consistent, standards-based assessment that works for students, teachers, parents and the system. We need a standards-based way to understand student learning and to plan for school or system level improvement.
In the end, we may find that FSA is still the best instrument, and that having every student do the assessment every year makes sense. We may find something better, perhaps through a different way of administering that same FSA. Meanwhile, this is a mandatory assessment and one that we will be sure is administered in Saanich as is the case in other districts. Then . . . on to that high level dialogue. I am interested in your thoughts.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Technology Plan REPOST - New Comments Welcome
Comment here or down four posts to the original (there is already a good conversation underway there).
Public education is looking to take full advantage of the opportunities afforded by information and communication technologies. Our Director of Information Systems, Gregg Ferrie, is leading us through a planning process designed to provide the Board with a new comprehensive technology plan.
We have placed a response document in the form of a powerpoint presentation on our district website, and we are welcoming responses until Monday, January 19, 2009. Of course, responses are welcome beyond that date, directly to Gregg at We will take a revised draft to the Board in February. All of this is designed to have the new 3-5 year plan in place before the end of the school year. Please visit the website, have a look, and respond if you are so inclined. Comments are welcome here on the blog as well as Gregg is monitoring and is happy to respond directly to anyone who submits feedback. Everything we hear will be incorporated into our thinking and planning. Thanks for your help.
Comment here or down four posts to the original (there is already a good conversation underway there).
Public education is looking to take full advantage of the opportunities afforded by information and communication technologies. Our Director of Information Systems, Gregg Ferrie, is leading us through a planning process designed to provide the Board with a new comprehensive technology plan.
We have placed a response document in the form of a powerpoint presentation on our district website, and we are welcoming responses until Monday, January 19, 2009. Of course, responses are welcome beyond that date, directly to Gregg at We will take a revised draft to the Board in February. All of this is designed to have the new 3-5 year plan in place before the end of the school year. Please visit the website, have a look, and respond if you are so inclined. Comments are welcome here on the blog as well as Gregg is monitoring and is happy to respond directly to anyone who submits feedback. Everything we hear will be incorporated into our thinking and planning. Thanks for your help.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Back in Action
My apologies everyone. My blog has always been set to allow all comments to be posted without being moderated (if anything inappropriate was posted I could just delete it, but that was never necessary). Somehow in mid-December my setting changed to "always moderate" meaning that a large number of comments posted by you were held until I could review them. Needless to say, when I realized that was the case I reverted back to auto-posting, so we're back in business. Thanks for your continued viewing and commentary. As always, new topics are welcome, whether you want to be in dialogue with me as Superintendent of Schools in SD 63 Saanich or as President of the BC School Superintendents Association.
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