Sunday, November 30, 2008

Technology Planning - Responses Welcome

Public education is looking to take full advantage of the opportunities afforded by information and communication technologies. Our Director of Information Systems, Gregg Ferrie, is leading us through a planning process designed to provide the Board with a new comprehensive technology plan.

We have placed a response document in the form of a powerpoint presentation on our district website, and we are welcoming responses until Monday, January 19, 2009. After that we will take a revised draft to the Board in February. All of this is designed to have the new 3-5 year plan in place before the end of the school year. Please visit the website, have a look, and respond if you are so inclined. Comments are welcome here on the blog as well. Everything we hear will be incorporated into our thinking and planning. Thanks for your help.

Board Sworn In - Chair Elected

As you will probably know, our newly elected Board consists of: MaryLynne Rimer, Helen Parker, Elsie McMurphy, Edith Loring-Kuhanga, Jane Husband, Marika Townshend and Jim Standen. Our seven trustees were sworn in on December 8, 2008 and at that time elected MaryLynne Rimer as Chair and Elsie McMurphy as Vice-Chair. Congratulations to all.

Please remember, if you have anything you want to talk about, including things that you want to get to the ear of trustees, this blog one of many ways to do that.