Thursday, June 11, 2009

So Much to Celebrate

As we head into grad season I just want to comment how proud I am to be an educator in the Saanich School District. Our graduation ceremonies that are held every June serve as reminders of the many successes that our students have had during their years in school. We are also reminded of the bright futures that lie ahead for our grads and, thankfully, for society as these fine young people move off into the world. Public education is thriving in the 21st Century and much of that credit goes to the families who continue to be positively involved in their schools and to the teachers, support staff and administrators who go beyond the call of duty every day to make children's experiences rich and relevant. Thanks to you all, and best wishes to our grads. For those who are not yet done, even if you are of an age where you feel that you should be, stay true to your plans and allow us to keep working with you in whatever way best suits your life circumstance. It is worth the effort, and so are you.


Unknown said...

Nice to see that is well with SD63. Best wishes to all in the next chapter of your lives.

Daniel Gallagher

Keven Elder said...

Thanks Daniel. Saanich remains a vibrant and exciting place to learn and work. It is nice to know that a member of our "extended family" remains connected through the blog.